Eat your cake, don’t wear it.

Yelp Tile and Landing Page to promote the Pop Up Shop

Cakeless Bake Shop


Eat your cake, don't wear it at Benefit's Boi-ing Cakeless Bake Shop! Finding your perfect shade is a piece of cake - step into our test kitchen for a taste of our NEW BOi-ing Cakeless Concealer. Plus, enjoy sweet photo ops, exclusive merch, and tasty treats courtesy of our friends at Sprinkles!

My Role: Lead Designer

My Deliverables:

  • Pop-up Identity (logo, patterns, colors, fonts)

  • All interior and exterior artwork and decor

  • Photo Ops

  • Digital Marketing Materials

    • Yelp graphics

    • Email graphics

    • Social content

  • Print Marketing Materials

    • Influencer Send Packaging

    • Special Merchandise sold at the Bake Shop

    • Flyers + Info cards


Donna Goldman Realtor Branding


Love, Archually